Friday 5 June 2015

It's June!

The end is in sight! There are only 14 more school days (two hot lunches) left for the students before the summer holidays. Of course there's still lots of work to cram into the next three weeks, in between the fun stuff like Jump Rope for Heart, Primary Play Day, and an upcoming class activity in the last week (TBA). 

This week in Language, we read "Petit grain de riz". We had a great discussion about stereotypes based on where people are from and their physical characteristics. The character in the poem discusses stereotypes that are made about him but turns them into positives. It was a great discussion and the students had a lot to say about such a deep topic. We looked at the "os" sound in "Le carosse" and the "us" sound in "Le virus". We continued to practise the verbs "avoir" and "ĂȘtre" in our guided writing centre. I sent home an update on reading level progress. Please let me know if there are any questions about what I sent home. I saw such amazing progress from everyone this year and am very proud of all the work your children put into improving their reading!

In Math, we are finishing up multiplication and division and will be starting area and perimeter early next week. As we have been doing activities on this regularly all year, we will spend a very short time on it before moving on to fractions. 

In Social Studies, we did some written activities on Brazil. We also watched a YouTube video about Capoeira, the martial arts/dance that is practiced there. Here is the link to the video:

The class was very excited to take their pigs home and I've been inspired to find other easy sewing projects to do in class, probably in the fall as there isn't a whole lot of time left for bigger art projects. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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