Friday, 3 June 2016

Into Our Final Month

It's hard to believe we are in June already!

Monday was our final EQAO day. The students all made a great effort. We celebrated on Friday afternoon with Popsicles. 

Some positive thoughts before each section they did.

In Language, we read "Aghès l'araignée gagnante" for our shared reading. The "gn" sound is one of the hardest for reading and writing for French Immersion students. We continued with our grammar activities with our week 3 sentence. The students did a writing assessment showing me all they learned about writing this year. They picked their topic but needed to show me paragraphs and indenting, all the other conventions they know. Some had dialogue using either " or -. We learned about both this year. I was amazed by all the great writing pieces I saw. 

A little editing of their writing assessments

In Math, the students continued to finish up any unfinished math work for multiplication/division and measurement. They continued to work on their name projects and pixel person projects. On Thursday, they began a short booklet on fractions. 

In Science, we looked at particles in the soil. We looked at the difference between sand (le sable), lime (le limon), and clay (l'argile). I only had samples of sand and clay but they got to touch each to feel the difference in texture. 

In Social Studies, the students finished up the maps on Upper Canada pioneer communities. We then discussed how the First Nations who lived in this area helped the early pioneers with crops, wild foods, medicines, making maple syrup, and using hides to make clothing. 

In Music, the students continued looking at musical instruments. They used the SMARTBOARD and classroom computers to look up instruments to see in which family they belonged. 

Monday will be our trip to Upper Canada Village. Please have your child dress for the weather. They will need a hat, sunscreen, water bottle, lunch and snacks in their backpacks. They will be able to visit the gift shop before we leave so they may bring a small amount of money to spend. They are responsible for carrying their money around for the day so please make sure they store it in a secure place. We will be back at the school around 5 pm. 

Have a great weekend!

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