This week in Language, we read "Au camp d'été" for our shared reading. We continued to work on narratives in writing and comprehension of descriptive texts in reading.
Word work
Cursive writing
Writing narratives
In Math, we continued to work on our unit on measurement. We did a short lesson on converting units so that we can compare cm to cm, m to m, and km to km. We also continued to finish up/review addition, subtraction, and money.
Playing Prodigy
Playing Blockcraft (like Minecraft, but free)
Playing Multiplication Zap
Daily Math Problems
We were unable to use the gym this week because of the K-2 Musical so we played outside and practised our dances for Celebration of Dance which is coming up on May 10th.
In Science, we did a short quiz on forces. The students corrected them after and looked up any incorrect answers in their work. Look for the unit/rubric to come home next week. Please remember that it includes all group work, experiments, and other class activities and discussions in addition to the quiz.
In Social Studies, we finished up our unit on Living and Working in Ontario. We will be beginning our unit on Pioneers shortly.
In Art, we are finishing up our optical illusions. Tjose who were done had the opportunity to try drawing and colouring some other optical illusions.
On Wednesday, it was the Bayridge Road Race. The 7 students who were still at school worked on Catch up activities, independent and partner reading and writing, and Blockcraft in Math.
We were able to go see Swamped, the K-2 musical on Thursday. The class were great audience members.
Have a great weekend!