Saturday 5 November 2016

Halloween, Anaphylaxis Lessons, Graphing, and More

On Monday, it was Halloween so the school had Orange and Black Day. Some of the students didn't recognize me in my orange and black outfit when they came in!

Mme Misener began teaching language this week. She did this week's poems for our shared readings. She worked with the guided reading groups, the guided writing groups, and worked/conferenced with students during the third round of Daily 5 activities.

Working with a guided reading group

Working on words

Listening to reading and reading to someone

Reading with someone

Mme Misener also did some new reading strategies for comprehension and decoding and used "Le loup qui voulait être un artiste" as a read aloud to teach the strategies.

Mme Misener also continued to teach Math, moving on to a new unit on organizing data in the Data Management strand. They will be doing activities to learn about tally charts, Venn diagrams, bar graphs, pictographs. They will do short surveys, organize/represent data, and answer questions about data.

Each class with students who are anaphylactic are required to practise what to do to help students if they have an anaphylactic reaction. We read the book "Aïe! Ça pique! Evelyn then shared with the class what it feels like to have a reaction. We looked at a practice Epipen and Evelyn showed everyone what she has to do with it if she has a reaction. We had a discussion on what we will do as a class to help her in that situation and what we can do to help others if another student had a reaction somewhere else in the school.

In Social Studies, the entire class did an activity on map legends and how to use them. The Grade 3s continued to look at communities. The Grade 2s learned about the historical beginnings of Halloween and why certain traditions are now a part of Halloween.

In Science, the Grade 3s learned about carnivorous plants, the food chain, and began individual research projects on a plant. The Grade 2s learned about physical characteristics of animals that help them with survival.

Venn diagrams in Grade 2 Science

In Physical Education, Mme Misener continued to teach the students about volleyball. This week they practised bumping and played the same mini-game as last week to teach them game sense. With the kindergartens, we did movement centres.

Learning to bump



On an informational note, I am in the process of planning year end trips for the Grade 2s and Grade 3s with other grade level classes. Mme Lavoie and I have planned a large trip for June for the Grade 2s and I plan for the Grade 3s to participate in a Grade 3 trip as students have in the past few years. These trips are more expensive and are usually longer than the instructional day. The Grade 2 trip will probably cost around $50. I am not sharing any specifics at the moment as it is still in the planning stages but look for information about the trip in the new year. If anyone has an issue with the cost, please see me to discuss it further.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the extra hour we get from turning the clocks back!

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