Wednesday 20 April 2016

Catching Up!

I feel a bit behind after missing last week's blog. I've got lots of photos for the past two week to update everyone with. 

In Language, we read "La capture de l'adversaire", "Un drôle de docteur" and "Le loup qui voyageait dans le temps" for our shared reading. We did lots of follow-up activities on Le loup qui..., using the Smartboard, iPads and the book to access the text. We started a new cycle of Daily 5 literacy centres. The students will be working on comprehension of descriptive texts in guided reading. In guided writing, they will be working on writing different types of narratives as well as proper paragraph format. 

In Math, we had a short test on addition and subtraction. We will be moving on to our next unit on measurement of time, temperature, mass, and capacity. We will also continue to practise subtraction with regrouping, especially with zeros as some are still struggling with this.

In Science, we looked at the forces of wind and water. We watched a few short science videos on these. We also looked at a slide presentation on these forces and had several discussions about them. We finished up with these natural forces. Next week we will be doing a review of the unit and the students will do a short quiz about forces before we move on to our last science unit.  

In Social Studies, we finished up the graphs to compare the population of Ontario cities and their outdoor spaces. The students were then asked to make their own map of Ontario based on all of the information and maps we have seen in the unit. They also had access to a variety of maps from different sources as examples. 

Thank you Simon, for the special treat and recipe last week. 

Here is a great website and App where once you register your child, they can build a profile and read free books. There are only 6 levels of difficulty at the moment but I'm hoping they'll add more. 

On Thursday, we went outside to do a community clean-up for Earth Day. 

The class went to Swim to Survive the last two Fridays and are now done the program.


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