Tuesday 14 April 2015

Money and Tea Ceremonies

This week in Language, we read the poem "Une histoire à suivre" for our shared reading. The students practised the "ette" sound in "La chouette" and the "al" sound in "Le narval". Continuing with our focus on respect, I read "Le violon de Simon" and "Je suis un bon ami" to the class and we had some discussions about them. 

In Math, we worked on making money amounts using the smallest amount of coins possible. For some, this concept was pretty easy, but for others, it's been a struggle as they want to make the amount with the coins they are the most comfortable counting (mostly dimes and pennies). 

We did some class problem solving around making change. 

We spent some time doing interactive lessons on money on the Smartboard. There was a good link to the www.mathisfun.com website where we played some money games. 

Working on math in a guided group with Mme

A little group problem solving around money

Playing a math game

And another

Working on answers to game questions

In Social Studies, the class did some more activities on China. We watched a French video on YouTube about Chinese Tea Ceremonies. I've put the link to the video below if anyone would like to check it out. 

Here is a link to the French YouTube video that we watched that explained a Chinese Tea Ceremony.

The class was very excited to get a postcard from Mlle Carmichael, who is currently in Paris doing her third and final teaching placement in another grade two class. 

Because it will be Earth Day next week, the students have been asked to have litterless lunches all week, beginning on Monday. There is a note about it in the agenda. When we go to Gould Lake on Friday, they also ask that the students have litterless lunches, so this is a great week to do this. We will be having some Earth Day activities on Wednesday so students should dress appropriately for outside, boots if it is at all muddy.

There are some renovations being done on the building at Gould Lake, so we will be spending the majority of our time outside. Students should be well-prepared for this: boots, splash pants, raincoats, layers they can take off if it is warm. If the weather is supposed to be rainy, they may cancel our trip, so check agendas for any updates. 

Have a great weekend!

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