Friday 14 February 2014

Olympic Spirit

It was a busy week. Lots going on at school and we began lots of new things in the class. The grade twos did the "qu" sound in "La queue" and the "esse" sound in "La princesse". The grade threes worked on the story "Jacob et la baleine à bosse" which is a sequel to last week's story "Léa en compétition". While most of the activities in the reading and writing centres stayed the same, we began working on explanations in our guided writing groups. 

In math, we looked at 2-digit and 3-digit addition both as a whole class and in three of the activities in the math centres (guided math with me, guided problem-solving with Mme McLaren, and in the numeration booklets.  The best news: our SMARTBOARD is mostly working so we got to use it to do some hands-on practice using the online virtual manipulative site. 

On Thursday, the students were divided into country groups and we held our own opening ceremonies. I picked Belgium. There are only 3 athletes competing but the just fact that Belgium produces the most chocolate in the world made me want to choose it. Mmmmm...chocolate! If you're passing by, check out the interesting facts about the country that are posted outside our door. 

Today was Valentine's Day. In addition to trying to finish up some unfinished work, the students decorated paper bags for the valentines. While we were using the SMARTBOARD to practise addition, they got to deliver their valentines in twos or threes. The bags were all hung up along the bookshelf to make it easier for them. There was a Valentine's Day dance in the afternoon. After that, we had our Friday dollar auction and then they got to open their bags. It was a great way to finish the week!

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