In language this week, we read "Le bibliophile" to review the "ile" sound and spellings. We also read "Le bonhomme de neige". In our guided groups, we continued to look at narrative texts in reading and le message du jour in writing.

We finished reading "Le loup qui ne voulait plus marcher" and did a shared writing on the smartboard of a very detailed retell. The students have been practising taking notes on postings for their own retell during independent reading.
We tried out a new resource in reading with a partner. The partners were given these inference cards to read together and then they had to take turns answering the questions.
In math, we continued our math talks on problems with two-digit addition. Next week we will be starting math talks with subtraction. In our guided Math groups, we continued to work on addition and will be moving on to subtraction next week.
In science, the students finished up all of their work. Next week they will be doing short projects to show their learning from the two units. If anyone has any old catalogues or magazines that they don't mind sending in, we could use some. Also, I'm looking for flyers from Staples, Rona, Lowes, Canadian, Tire, The Home Depot, and Walmart.
In social studies, the grade threes are learning about the different industries in Ontario. Today they looked at the forestry industry and the fishing industry. They did some research on the iPad about the types of fish found in Ontario.
The Grade twos learned about the tradition of Groundhog Day. They also did activities on Italy and looked at two of its communities, Rome and Venice.
Have a great P.A. Day and long weekend!
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