This week we had the most snow all winter... and no cancelled buses. The students loved being able to play in the snow at recess. Unfortunately with these weekend's warm weather, there might not be much left by Tuesday.
Here the students are participated in a stretching body break!
And we danced "La danse des canards" this week too. It was sung in several different languages, including French.
In language, we reviewed the "ar" sound and spellings in "Gaspar". We also read "Pour dessiner un bonhomme". We read "Le loup qui voulait changer de couleurs" for our shared reading.
In the guided reading groups, the students finished up their activities on narrative text and continued to work on their written retells. In guided writing, almost all have finished the "message du jour" activities and we are now looking at writing posters. Almost all have had a chance to write a blog post on Seesaw. I will be sending home the information on how to access your child's portfolio.
In math, the students continued to work on subtraction activities. They will be completing all activities over the next week and we will be moving on to new topics.
Subtraction on the Smartboard
They love Zap! Subtraction
In science, they continued to work on their projects. Most are done or just need some finishing touches. We will begin the new units on states of matter for grade 2 and forces and movement for grade 3.
In social studies, the grade threes did a written response to whether they thought a new mine should open or not, based on reading about the pros/cons. They then worked on posters about the displacement of animals to build a new road for the mine.
The grade twos completed activities on Kenya.
In visual arts, the students finished up their watercolour snowmen. We then began a new project on pastel patterned mugs.
In physical education on Valentine's Day, we had helpers from the 4/5 FI class leading group activities.
Happy Family Day and have a great long weekend!