This week, we got right into working. Each day, we start our French Literacy block with our words/sentences of the day. At the beginning of the week, the students will be given a group of words that focus on a particular sound or writing pattern. Each day after, they get two sentences to copy that contain some of the words. This not only allows them to practise the spelling pattern, but also allows them to build vocabulary and internalize French grammar structures.
In our French Daily 5 Centres, we practised Read to Self and Work on Writing. We began to have choice where students could choose which of the two they wanted to do as long as both got done during our centre times. During our group writing lessons, we looked at three different toes of writing: les rébus, les comptines, and les invitations.
The students also continued to work on problem solving steps. They practised step 4, draw a picture to represent the problem and step 5, resolve the problem with a number sentence and a written sentence.

This week, we also practised the strategy of using a hundreds chart to do addition and subtraction problems. The grade two worked on adding three numbers while the grade threes worked on doing simple addition more quickly.
We also began geometric patterns this week. We reviewed the attributes that can change in a pattern and the students practised creating patterns where colour, shape and position changed.
In Science, the grade twos began a unit on animals. They looked at the different categories of animals. The grade threes began a unit on plants. They looked at the different parts of plants.
In Social Studies, the students began to do some mapping activities. We discussed how to appropriately colour maps, why we use them, and cardinal directions.
In Physical Education, we are focusing on cooperative games and safety rules in the gym.

In Drama, we did a dramatic reading of a fall book (since fall starts next week). The students then took turns getting in correct order when they heard the words on their vocabulary cards.
For Dance, the class dis a series of movement activities from GoNoodle.
It's been a very busy week! Have a great weekend!
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