This has been such a busy week. I was at a conference on Monday all day, a workshop after school on Tuesday, and have been muddling through the rest of the week with a sinus infection. In language, the grade twos worked on the "or" sound in "Météore" and the "ure" sound in "La caricature". The grade threes read the story "Au camp d'été" which looked at hard and soft "c". Our Poem this week, "Les petits Lapons" tied nicely into the grade two social studies curriculum. In math, we've pretty much finished up addition and subtraction. The class will have a short test on Monday and we'll be moving on to money.

On Tuesday after school, I attended a Primary Arts workshop. I picked up some wonderful ideas that I have already tried with the class. We did a drama/movement activity to work on respecting the personal spaces of others. The students created an imaginary bubble and had to move throughout the room while respecting their own and the bubbles of others. It was also good at desks and as a reminder of working quietly as bubbles don't speak!
I also had the students perform a soundscape using their bodies to respresentative a force of nature. The grade threes have been looking at forces of nature this week. I've uploaded the recording of the class's soundscape to YouTube. It's pretty amazing how it sounds when you can't actually see the actions that the students were doing. You can have a listen by checking out the following link to YouTube.
On Friday morning, we had a Fire Safety presentation with Andrew and Eric from the fire department. The class watched a short movie "Sparky's ABCs". They discussed making and practising an exit plan. They also discussed when to change fire alarms, twice a year when the clocks go forward/backward. The children saw what equipment a fireman will wear when entering a fire scene. After the class practised crawling to stay under the smoke, the firemen had Kyle demonstrate "stop, drop, and roll" for if clothes are on fire.
Andrew explaining exit plan
Eric putting on his equipment
Ready to fight a fire!
Sounds like a very busy week! Hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks, Lisa!