Fred Penner narrating the story of Peter and the Wolf
In language, the grade 2s worked on the "an/en/an/am" sound in "Le printemps" and the "on/om" sound in "Le papillon". The worked on partners with flash cards on different sounds/sight words. The grade 3s worked on the "ai/ei/è/ê" sound in "Le rêve de Bananè". We had a good discussion today about inferencing when the grade 3s figured out what a French expression meant by using their prior knowledge about sharks! Yay! We read two new fall poems as shared readings. As there were some difficult words, we focused a lot on using the reading strategies of breaking words into syllables, sounding words out, and looking for words we know. The students were able to pick out all of the words in the poems that are on our Word Wall. Despite all of the interruptions over the past two weeks, I was finally able to read with all of the reading groups. In writing, the students completed fall poems. Next week we will be completing a reading assessment.
In math, we started working on graphing. The students completed several graphs orally about foods they eat for breakfast and transportation to school. We focused on tally charts and had a long discussion about titles for graphs, how they can't be questions and that they need to be detailed enough that someone knows what question was asked in the survey by the title of the graph. The grade 2s did some work on bar graphs while the grade threes worked on taking information and sorting it in order to answer questions. Next week we will continue with Venn diagrams, bar graphs and pictographs. I have put up a new Hundreds Chart. We will use this to continue to practise counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, both forward and backward, from various starting points. This is a concept that many of the students require continued practice with. For those that understand the concept well, we will count by 3s and 25s from time to time, as counting by threes helps when the students get to multiplication with 3, and counting by 25 helps the students to count money.
Even with all of this week's interruptions, we still got a bit of social studies done. Next week we'll be working on science again. I'm still working on getting centres set up for language and math. Next week will be another busy one. We have a primary assembly on Wednesday afternoon. Thursday is Halloween and although there are no activities in the classroom, it is Black and Orange and Crazy Hat Day. There will also be a dance for each division in the afternoon.
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