Thursday, 24 March 2016

One Last Snow Day?

Well, many got an extra long weekend for Easter with today's freezing rain and cancelled buses. 

In Language this week, we looked at the "tion" sound in "Léa en compétition". The students continued to work on biographies/autobiographies. Some students began creating book jackets in writing. 

In Math, we continued to review good descriptions and comparisons of 3-D solids. The students did a short wriiten test on these two math expectations. 

In Science, we looked at how the force of friction helps us. 

In Social Studies, we looked at the physical geography of Ontario. The students created 3-D maps using plasticine. A few students need to finish up, but most are now on display on the bulletin board in the hall. Check them out if you're in the school. 

I hope everyone has a great long weekend and Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!

Friday, 11 March 2016

Break Time!

It's been a busy week leading up to the March Break. The class seemed ready for a much needed break. 

In Language, we looked at the "al" sound in our shared reading. We continued our literacy centres. In guided reading, we began a new booklet with a return to picking out answers from short texts. Some students still have difficulty writing answers in sentence format so we will continue to work on this. In guided writing, we continued to work on biographies/autobiographies. 

In Math this week, we focused on finishing up 3-d solids and the Explain Everything projects. Everyone has had a chance to answer a question in this app and we will try other questions in later units. 

In Science, we predicted which items would float based on the force of flottibility and weight of objects. We experimented with several objects that the students were unsure of: erasers, candles, and corks. We also looked at the force of friction and conducted two different experiments, using a marble in one, and different types of paper in the other. We came up with an equation to explain friction. 

Rough surface + Rough surface = lots of friction but slow speed
Rough surface + Smooth surface = medium friction and medium speed
Smooth surface + Smooth surface = very little friction but lots of speed

In Social Studies, the class learned about the Niagara peninsula and the two reasons why it is important for agriculture: its great climate (not too cold, not too hot, and longer summer season) and its fertile soil with lots of water sources. 

We also went swimming on Tuesday and had DancePl3y today. We finished the week with the draw for the Playtrium pass. Congratulations to our winner, Ava M. 

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable March Break with your family!

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Dance Play Reminder

Please remember to send a donation for tomorrow's Dance Play event!

Saturday, 5 March 2016

iPad Projects and Optical Illusions

This week in Language we read "Mathilde et le mystère des feux follets" for our shared reading. The students also completed the comprehension questions to last week's reading of " Le loup qui voulait être artiste". In Writing, the students began working on biographies/autobiographies. 

In Math, we finished up our cycle of centres and will take next week to finish our unit on 3-D solids. The students began independent math projects on 3-D solids using Explain Everything on the iPads which they will finish next week.

Comparing solids

Group math problems

Practising multiplication facts

Drawings to help with multiplication

Each student in the groups has a different question so that they can help each other without copying

Working hard on the project 

In Science, we looked at a presentation on gravitational force and had several questions that enabled class discussions. The students also did some work on muscular force. 

In Social Studies, we reviewed what we had learned about mining in Ontario. Then the students completed an activity where they had to formulate and support an opinion on whether a mine that had previously closed should reopen. They also began a partner activity on wildlife protection along highways. 

In Physical Education, the class did some four-corner fitness with Mme Judd. We also played some cooperative games later in the week. 

In Dance, we began watching some of this year's Celebration of Dance videos. We will learn some of them prior to attending the Celebration of Dance event. 

In Visual Arts, we began an art lesson on optical illusions. The students will be creating their own using their hands and circles. 

Swimming will take place this Tuesday. Have a great weekend!