This week in Language we read "Mathilde et le mystère des feux follets" for our shared reading. The students also completed the comprehension questions to last week's reading of " Le loup qui voulait être artiste". In Writing, the students began working on biographies/autobiographies.

In Math, we finished up our cycle of centres and will take next week to finish our unit on 3-D solids. The students began independent math projects on 3-D solids using Explain Everything on the iPads which they will finish next week.
Group math problems
Practising multiplication facts
Drawings to help with multiplication
Each student in the groups has a different question so that they can help each other without copying
Working hard on the project
In Science, we looked at a presentation on gravitational force and had several questions that enabled class discussions. The students also did some work on muscular force.
In Social Studies, we reviewed what we had learned about mining in Ontario. Then the students completed an activity where they had to formulate and support an opinion on whether a mine that had previously closed should reopen. They also began a partner activity on wildlife protection along highways.
In Physical Education, the class did some four-corner fitness with Mme Judd. We also played some cooperative games later in the week.
In Dance, we began watching some of this year's Celebration of Dance videos. We will learn some of them prior to attending the Celebration of Dance event.
In Visual Arts, we began an art lesson on optical illusions. The students will be creating their own using their hands and circles.
Swimming will take place this Tuesday. Have a great weekend!