Friday, 27 November 2015

Puppets, Singing and Dancing!

This week in Language we looked at the "ch" sound in " La famille de Rachel". We have started new cycles in the reading and writing centres with some new games. In reading, they are working on comprehension by matching pictures to sentences. In writing, the are looking at parts of sentences (nouns, verbs, and adverbs), and punctuation at the end of sentences. 

In Math, the students continued to look at organizing data. Some of the new games in the centres are on greater than/less than/equal, ordering numbers in quantity, and odd/even numbers. 

In Science, we have started a unit on structures and stability. We had a class discussion on what a structure is - something that can bear a load. We also discussed the two types of structures, those found in nature and those that are man-made. 

In Social Studies, the students have been working on their rural maps. Most are close to being finished. 

In Drama, the students presented their conflict resolution skits with puppets. In Music, we got together with Mme Lavoie's class (with Mme Judd) to learn and practise a song that they will sing and dance to during the Holiday Concert. Mme Judd and I will be putting the classes together during Music and Phys. Ed. to practise over the next couple of weeks. In Dance, we learned a "Bollywood" type Zumba dance " Indian Moonlight", reviewed "Uptown Funk" from last year, and learned the moves to "Follow the Leader". It's been a very busy week. 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, 20 November 2015

Bullying Awareness and More

This week in language, we worked on the sound "on/om" in "Le trésor de Gédéon". After last week's Remembrance Day activities, this week it was back to our regular Daily 5 activities. Most students have started on their second notebook for our weekly words and sentences. There's lots of writing going on in our class. 

In Math, we continued to learn about organizing data. Rubrics were sent home this week with information about how the students did in the last math unit on representing numbers. 

In Social Studies, the students finished up their group urban maps. After working on a rural map as a group, the students are now working on their own rural maps. 

In Science, we have finished up our plant unit. The students did a quiz to show what they learned about the growth of plants. We will be beginning a new unit on structures. 

In Physical Education, we have been working on soccer skills through a variety of soccer drills. We have also been doing Dance, doing movement activities to music with several pieces of equipment. 

In Drama, the students have finished up their skits on resolving conflicts. They practiced acting them out with puppets and will present for me next week. 

It was Bullying Awareness Week. There was an assembly today and students were encouraged to wear pink shirts. 

Friday, 13 November 2015

A week of Remembrance and Three Sisters Soup

This week in Language we did some Remembrance Day activities. As a class, we brainstormed ideas for a list of Remembrance Day vocabulary we would need to discuss and write about it. We read the booklet "Mon petit livre pour la paix" as a shared reading. The students then illustrated the pages. They also worked in groups to write thank you cards. We read them and put all the ideas into one card to be read at the assembly on Wednesday. We also read "Un roi maladroit" and completed questions on the story. 

In Math we continued to work in our centres on the graphing unit we started last week. We will be focusing on ways to organize information, such as using colour and making tables. This is very useful as organizing data is also cross-subject. The students need these skills in both Science and Social Studies. 

In Science, we finished our plant unit by looking at th life cycle of plants. The students are doing a bit of research on a plant to develop their inquiry skills. They are using books, iPads, and class computers for their research. We will do a short quiz next week to finish off the unit. 

In Social Studies, the students continued to work on their urban maps in their groups. They will be doing an independent project where they will make a rural map, following similar guidelines. 

In Visual Arts, we began working on "Art Trading Cards" of leaves. They are given small, baseball card sized paper to draw different types of leaves. We are working on drawing details and filling space appropriately. They are also to choose colours that stand out from background when they colour each card. Right now, our fall mixed media scenes are on display.

We also had a special visitor on Wednesday. Mme Anne came in to help us make Three Sisters Soup. We read the Mohawk legend of the Three Sisters which is about corn, squash and beans being grown together. This ties in with both our Science unit on plants and Social Studies where we will be looking at First Nations who lived in this area and how they helped early settlers. The students copied the ingredients into their writing booklets. We roasted the leftover pumpkin and seeds to eat along with the soup. 

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Back to Blogging...

I'm really glad to be able to get back to blogging. I've missed doing my weekly updates of what's going on! I'll do a brief update on where we are in most subjects and I've added a few photos from earlier this fall. 

In reading, we have been focusing on comprehension. In guided groups, the students are reading short paragraphs and answering questions by finding/underlining the information in the texts. In writing, we have looked at several genres of writing. Most have completed "Le message du jour" and " Les devinettes" and are now working on " Le schéma". We have also been practising weekly spelling lists and sentences. For our shared readings, we read short stories based on sounds/spelling patterns and complete comprehension questions. Every few weeks, we read a book from the "Le loup qui..." series and complete follow-up activities. This week it was "Le loup qui fêtait son anniversaire". 

Guided reading

Partner reading

Reading to self

Listening to reading

Literacy games

Guided writing

Cursive writing

Word work

In Math, we have finished up units on numerical and non-numerical patterning and representing numbers to 1000. This week we started a new unit on data management. We also have been doing activities on our number of the day and activities from all 5 math strands in "Les mathématiques pour tous les jours". 

Guided math

Group problem solving

Numeration activities

Math games

Playing Prodigy on the iPads 

Playing Prodigy on the computers

In Science, we are coming to the end of our unit on growth and change in plants. This week we learned about the food chain. 

In Social Studies, we have been learning about the types of communities in Ontario and started some mapping activities. This week we started a group enquiry project where the students will make their own maps of an urban community after a whole class lesson on what should be included and why. 

Student pennants

Our art wall showing their last art project on primary, secondary, and tertiary colours

Making applesauce

Have a great weekend!