It's been a very busy week, as usual! 😄 we read the poem "Ma dent" for our shared reading. We practised the "cl" and "fl" initial consonant sounds in "Les cloches" and "Les fléchettes". I read one of my favourite Phoebe Gilman books, "Les beaux cochons de Lili Tire-bouchon". It's such a fun book and I enjoy that it has instructions at the end for making pigs from pantyhose/tights. As we were still lucky enough to have Mme Alicia for one last week, it was a great time to sew with the class for art. For most, it was their first time sewing. The pigs are all very cute, regardless of how well the sewing went (or didn't). They are almost finished. Once all are finished, I want to take a class photo of the students with their pigs and then they will be coming home. Everyone was so excited to make them!
We had lots of catch up time in Math so that students had some time to practise the concepts they have been struggling with especially multi-step word problems. We also spent some time doing math centres on multiplication and division. We will be finishing up multiplication and division next week.
Today was Mme Alicia's last day and we were sad to see her go. We had a small celebration for her this afternoon. We gave her a French picture book signed by all of the students and I brought cupcakes that I made last evening. I also received a lovely plant from her in a pink tea cup, two of my favourite things, pink and tea! It will be decorating the class for the next few weeks.