It's been such a busy short week with all of the literacy activities taking place around the school! In language, we read the poem "Neige" as our shared reading. We discussed the imagery in this poem and the word choices of the author. The students practised the "eu/eur" sounds in "Les oeufs" and "Les joueurs de soccer". I finished up doing GB+ assessments and I'm very pleased with the class's continued progress in reading levels. They have been progressing steadily since September. Reading levels for book-in-bag have also been adjusted. They also completed an independent reading test with comprehension questions. They did a short writing assessment to demonstrate their understanding/use of the conventions we've been working on (capitals, punctuation, and sentence structure). So many assessments this time of year when report cards are coming up.
We didn't get a lot of math done with all the interruptions, but we did get the problems of the week done, some discussions on comparing 3-D solids and skeletons, and some time to work on finishing up incomplete math work. Next week we'll be back to doing our daily five language and math centres.
There were lots of Literacy Week activities. On Monday afternoon, we had "Drop Everything and Read". I did a read aloud and then the class had some time to read independently. On Tuesday, we had Reading Buddies in the middle block with Mme Adamson's Grade One class and in the last block with Mme Anne's Kindergarten class.
Wednesday was Pyjama Day for K-2 and in the afternoon our class joined Mrs. Burke's class to read by flashlight in the library. On Thursday morning, we went to the music room to participate in a sing-along with Mme Judd. One of the songs was a new song by Jack Grunski about reading!
I'm sure the students enjoyed Friday's PA Day with all the snow we got on Thursday! I was busy at school working away on reports but I would have much rather have been out enjoying the snow with my boys. Now we're back to the cold weather so I really don't want to head outside until it's tee-shirt weather again! 😄
Have a great weekend!!