It's been a very busy short week. There was so much going on in the school with photo days on Monday and Tuesday and Reading Week. There were so many great activities. On Monday, the entire school stopped everything in the afternoon to all read together for twenty minutes. On Tuesday, the students were each given a book. We had reading buddies with Mme Adanson's class in the afternoon and we visited the book fair. Wednesday was Pyjama Day. We also had a guest author who shared her book with the primary students. I was very impressed with all the thoughtful questions and comments the students had for her when she presented to the grade two classes. Thursday was Dress as a Book Character Day. The students who dressed up seemed to really enjoy it, I know I really liked spending the day as Fifi Brindacier (Pippi Longstocking).
We also did a little mini unit in the class on the Audrey Penn Kissing Hand series. Each day this week we read one of the stories. Some of the books we just discussed and for some we did follow-up reading response activities. There is still one more story from the series to read next week. We read the poem "Les lettres écolières" for a shared reading and did the é/è sounds in "La poupée" and "Les beignets".
In math, we continued to work on place value, and in particular grouping objects together to make counting easier. For our daily math problems, we now use a timer on the SMARTBOARD and the students are getting better at staying on task and completing the few daily questions in a timely manner. They love when the buzzer beeps. I was hoping to get a bit more accomplished in math this week, but wasn't able to with all the school-wide activities.
In social studies, we continued to learn about continents and some of the major oceans. We read the book " Le loup qui voulait faire le tour du monde". It's about a wolf who is bored so decides to travel around the world. The class really enjoyed it and it tied in very well with what we have been doing as the wolf ends up visiting six of the seven continents. The children particularly enjoyed the yeti from Nepal who falls in love with him and follows him around for the remainder of his journey. We will be doing many follow-up activities to this book to learn about how people live in cities/countries on the various continents. The students also began some mapping activities after learning about legends and symbols in maps.
I will be posting a new page on the blog a bit later with the dates that our class will be swimming and skating. Look for the page link at the top of the blog once I have added it. The form will be going home on Monday and is due back on Friday. Any parents with a current CPIC on file at the office are more than welcome to join us when we go skating. The school board requires any parents skating with us to be wearing a helmet. Monday will also be the Open House from 5-7pm, along with the book fair. I look forward to meeting everyone who can make it. If you are unable to make it, I am more than happy to have a brief meeting with you another day after school. The weather is supposed to be lovely all weekend so hopefully you all get a chance to enjoy it! 😀