Friday, 29 August 2014

All Ready for a New Year

I'm very excited to meet and get to know all the students coming into my class for the 2014-2015 school year. I spent four days at school this week getting everything ready for Tuesday. (And a few evenings this week too! Lol) Even though I'll have a grade 2, at least until we see how reorganization shakes down, which I have taught for several years, I really like finding new things to do to improve my teaching and my classroom environment. 

This year, I decided to make curtains for all of the bookcases except for the one with the class library. First of all, it looks better since I'm in an older classroom and have quite a bit of older, somewhat rough around the edges furniture. Also there will be less to distract the students. I'm hoping they pay more attention to the posters/anchor charts on the wall now that there's nothing to see or play with on the shelves now that there are curtains. I just hauled my sewing machine in on Monday and made 11 curtains before leaving. 

I spent a day organizing and then a couple more days planning for the first couple of weeks. Mme Jacques's Grade 2 French Immersion is all ready for Tuesday's influx of twenty new students. Yay!

I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend and I can't wait to see everyone on Tuesday, both new students and all my previous students!