It was a bit more of a relaxed week, now that EQAO is over with for the year. The grade sixes finished up on Wednesday and the stress level in the school seemed to go down a bit. We've had a few outdoor Phys. Ed. periods with the gym being used for EQAO. There'll be more with the grads coming up. Luckily the weather has been much nicer lately, but not too hot!
This week, the grade twos did the comptines "Les grimaces" and "Le professeur" with the gr/pr sounds. The grade threes are working on the story "Tratisse contre Brochin" with thr br/cr/tr sounds. Almost everyone finished up their good copies of their procedural writing piece. I learned about making nachos, making friends, drawing, playing Hide and Seek and a few other things from them! 😄 We did a reading assessment as well this week. Usually I have them all read the text to me but this time I just looked at their answers to the follow-up questions as I just finished up doing GB+ reading assessments with them as well.
Most of the class are done or almost done the activities on fractions. We will finish up on Monday and then move on to multiplication and division on Wednesday. Rubrics for the time unit are ready to go home for signing on Monday with next week's homework. It will be our last week of homework!
As we finish things up, the students will begin bringing home their duo tangs and will start clearing out their desks over the next little while. It's an extremely busy time so please check agendas daily to keep on top of it all. On Tuesday, we are going to Gould Lake Outdoor Education Centre. They should dress for the weather, wear comfortable shoes for all the outdoor activities, bring sunscreen/bug spray, and have a litter-free lunch with lots of water.
I'm trying to organize/tidy the class a bit before the summer. The students who finished early this week helped me get a head start on a new classroom set-up. They'll be helping me clean and organize the games and math manipulatives during the last couple of weeks. This ties in nicely with our school theme of responsibility: they are helping to clean as they have been using the items all year. Here are some photos of our new class layout, the carpet area is now separated from the desk area!