It's been another busy week. This week, the grade threes wrote the EQAO test. Unfortunately with absences, it took a big longer than the three planned days and some students were still finishing up today. On the bright side, it gave me lots of time to really work with the grade twos that I don't usually get.
This week, the grade twos looked at the comptines "Le dromedaire" and "Frou-frou!" with the dr/fr sounds. Today the grade threes finished up "Agnès l'araignée gagnante" with the gn sound. The class worked on self-editing their procedural writing and then they edited with me. Most are now working on their good copy. I've gotten through most of the GB+ assessments and just have 4 grade threes left to read with. There has been so much great progress in reading this year! This week's poems for our shared readings were about clowns and we will continue with the circus theme next week.
In math, we looked at time quite a bit. We did several activities on the SMARTBOARD which really enforced the concept of time to the quarter hour. Most of the grade twos are even telling time to five minutes, like the grade threes do, and they were very proud to be able to do "grade three work", one of their favourite things about being in a split grade. The one thing they still need lots of practice in is calculating elapsed time. This is a very difficult concept for most students. Most of the grade twos are finished their time booklets. Just a few need to finish up, along with the grade threes early next week. Then we will do a short test and move on to fractions. Look for a rubric on the time unit to come home soon.
Have a great weekend and enjoy all the nice weather we will be getting!