In language, the grade twos did the comptine "La pluie" to review the "ui" sound and its various spellings. We didn't get to the second comptine but will do it next week. The grade threes worked on "La promenade de Pascal" with the "al" sound. For shared readings, we did a couple more winter poems.
In math, we continued to work on 2-d and 3-d geometry, both in their guided math groups with me and in their guided problem solving group with Mrs. McLaren. The math games were matching games of different 2-d/3-d shapes and figures with the name as well as attributes with the name, such as number of faces, edges, and vertices. While I was away, the students did a mini-unit on measurement (mass and volume) and got some practice with using the scale to measure various classroom objects. We will continue to visit this from time to time.
We started a really fun project in visual arts, linking art and language. The students each made a snowman this week. Next week, they will write a short description of their snowman. Both descriptions and snowmen will be up in the hall and anyone passing by can try to match the description with the snowman. The class is very excited by this project!