For our read aloud, we read "Je suis Marilou Melon", a lovely story about a girl who is just herself, quirks and all, and how everyone likes her for that, including the class bully (eventually).
Last week our shared readings were "Le dromadaire" and "Mon petit bateau". This week we read "Frou-frou!" and "L'arbre".
In social studies the grade threes finished all of their activities on pioneers. The grade twos finished up the continent of North America with activities about Canada.
Last week we watched a dramatic presentation by the Barefoot Players.
At today's year end assembly, the whole school said goodbye to Mme Judd and Mr. Perkins by singing alternate lyrics for "Can't Stop the Feelin'".
We finished our last day with free activity time, Just Dance Kids, drawing, writing, playing board games, or just relaxing.
It's the end of a great school year and I wish everyone a safe and fun summer!