Thursday 29 June 2017

The Last Two Weeks Until Summer Break!

We finally made it to summer break. As I did not do a blog post last week after our class trip to Toronto, I'm including some info and photos from then.

For our read aloud, we read "Je suis Marilou Melon", a lovely story about a girl who is just herself, quirks and all, and how everyone likes her for that, including the class bully (eventually).

Last week our shared readings were "Le dromadaire" and "Mon petit bateau". This week we read "Frou-frou!" and "L'arbre". 

In math, we have been doing activities on probability and transformational geometry. 

In social studies the grade threes finished all of their activities on pioneers. The grade twos finished up the continent of North America with activities about Canada. 

Last week we watched a dramatic presentation by the Barefoot Players. 

At today's year end assembly, the whole school said goodbye to Mme Judd and Mr. Perkins by singing alternate lyrics for "Can't Stop the Feelin'".

We finished our last day with free activity time, Just Dance Kids, drawing, writing, playing board games, or just relaxing. 

It's the end of a great school year and I wish everyone a safe and fun summer!

Friday 16 June 2017

Beach Day and More

This week in language, we finished reading "L'arbre aux ballons". The class was very excited because I had just ordered a new Loup book and it arrived this week. We are now reading "Le loup qui n'aimait pas lire" for our read aloud.

We are reading the comptine "Le crocodile" as well as the poem "Trois cerises rouges" for our shared reading. There was a lot of new vocabulary to learn.

In guided reading, students are again working on comprehension and vocabulary development and we will also be looking at informational text a bit more before the end of the year.

In guided writing, the students have started writing tales. We went over the learning goal and success criteria and students began making a plan. The big difference between a narrative and a tale is the element of magic in tales.

Reading to self

Learning to type on the new Chromebooks

For physical education, we have been trying to get outside as much as possible after the rainy spring. On Tuesday, the students ran a kilometre on the track before getting some free time on the climbers.

On Wednesday, we went across the road to the park for gym. We quickly established safety procedures for using the tire swing. Some chose to play soccer. Others just wanted to run around, and use the climber.

Some even liked to hide right under the bench where Mme Jacques was sitting!

Friday was Beach Day and we collected toonies in support of the Gutsy Walk. Thank you for all of your donations to this fundraiser.

Almost all of the new technology from the grant I received has arrived. I am just missing a couple of bins but borrowed some spares that we have in the school until the others arrive. It took a few days but all of the iPads are now set up with the applications we use regularly. The Chromebooks are now organized in a bin that I set up and some students have been using them to practise typing on Some of the grade twos were able to try out some new science game applications.

Have a great weekend and happy Father's Day to everyone in a fatherly role!

Saturday 10 June 2017

The Yard, Grade 5/6 Plays, and Jump Rope for Heart

This week in language,  we started reading "L'arbre aux ballons" for our read aloud. With everything going on this past week, we didn't get to finish it so we will continue the story next week.

For our shared reading, we reviewed the "br" sound in "Bruno". We also read the poem "La jacynthe" .

In math, we have been working on area and perimeter. The grade twos have been using non-standard units and have been introduced to standard units. The grade threes have been using standard units. We also continued to play math games on fractions in our centres.

In social studies, the grade threes continued to learn about pioneers. The grade twos are learning about North America. We are looking at the United States and will finish off the year with Canada over the next couple of weeks.

On Monday afternoon, our class joined the Arts Department from ESS during their presentation of the musical "The Yard". We sang "In Our Garden" along with the secondary students at the end of the musical.

On Tuesday afternoon, M. Héroux's grade 5/6 FI class came to present short plays that they had written.

We had lovely weather on Friday for Jump Rope for Heart. The class participated in physical activities all morning and after recess until the middle of the day. They had a lot of fun.

Please check the agendas and Bloomz regularly, there is always so much going on in June.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the nice weather we are finally getting.